You can integrate IppoPay Payment Gateway with your Magento Store to accept payments from customers. It supports for Magento 2.x version.
Sign up for a IppoPay account.
Generate the API keys from the IppoPay Dashboard by navigating to Settings and then API Keys. You can use the Test mode keys for testing and later switch to Live mode keys when going live with the integration.
Integration Steps
Step 1: Install Extension
Installation Without Composer
Download the file from the latest release. Extract the zip.
Place the code folder from Step 1 in your app folder. If you're performing an update, replace/overwrite the existing code folder.
Enable and deploy the IppoPay module using commands
bin/magento module:enable Ippopay_PaymentGatway
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento cache:flush
Step 2: Configure Magento Store
To configure your Magento store for IppoPay Payments
Log into your Magento store.
Choose Stores on the Admin sidebar to the left. Now go to Settings > Configuration.
In the Configuration page, click on Sales on the left and choose Payment Methods.
In the Payment Methods page, navigate to IppoPay.
Enter your test mode [PUBLIC_KEY] and [SECRET_KEY]. These can be generated from your Dashboard.
Select Yes for the option Enabled.
Click Save Config. This activates your account in the Test Mode. You can use this account to make a few test payments to ensure a successful workflow.
Note: In test mode, no real money is deducted from your account.
Step 3: Accept Live Payments
After testing your Magento store, when you are ready to accept live payments:
Generate the [PUBLIC_KEY] and [SECRET_KEY] in the Live mode on your IppoPay Dashboard.
Enter the Live mode [PUBLIC_KEY] and [SECRET_KEY] in your Magento store.
Last updated
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